Today we went for a nice walk on the beach and in the water. I took some pictures and we looked for sand dollars, only found 2 today. It was a splendid morning.
This is a heart shaped rock I thought was pretty

This is an interesting formation in the rock wall

This rock has and interesting pattern on it, I tried to scrape it off but its in the rock.

This is cool it is worn away, I think but its is up high on the rock wall

its about shoulder high in the rock wall

this would be a nice painting

and this too

another heart shaped rock

and another I think I'll put them all together in a calender or something
And that is all for this walk, it was a lovely walk.
So now home to prepare for Alan's Birthday Barbecue this afternoon
We came home with way too many cool texture shots. Had some enlarged and are shadow framing them with shells and pebbles and sticks from the beach. They turned out way cool...... except for the one that fell off the wall and beaned Mom.....