The desert at the cafe we stopped at after the beach James'

Maggs cherry cheese cake

Kelly and I (and Alan) had bread pudding

looking down over Basin Head Beach the singing sands

A starfish a little boy had and was taking home....poor starfish

The windmills at east point

Kel trying to catch it

James standing under one

Going to the beach at Johnsons shore lovely rocks and lots of little bits of beach glass

Alan James and Maggs on the rocks

James in the lupins

Kel and James what a nice shot

Kel in the lupins

Maggs with a little hermit crab

the seal visiting the kayakers
There aren't enough good words in the English language to describe how perfect your Sand Dollar Cottage is. We'll dream about it forever. When we got home I couldn't help noticing how drab and colorless it is here in Ontario compared with the vibrant reds and greens of P.E.I.. We had a blast! Thank you sooooooooooo much. But be warned........ we will be back! :D