Sunday, August 28, 2011

a quest for sand dollars at our beach

Hello All

As usual I have forgotten and put the last

pictures I well explain.

Since the Storm 'Irene' was on her way we went down to the beach for a few walks today, when the tide went out we went hunting for sand dollars.

the first time around noon the tide was just starting to go out and the water was so calm.

the next time around 4 pm it was windy and not so calm but still warm and nice.

these are the bottoms of live sand dollars

these pictures are of live sand dollars we found on a sandbar aren't they magnificent!

you can see that the two bottom ones have moved a little

a closer look at them

Alan holding them all what fantastic colours they are

I see the sand dollar in the sand in the water

I reach for it

and there it is a nice clean sanddollar

This one i found in the sand on a sandbar

a wave washed over it and its out a bit more

I uncovered it, but since its cracked I'll leave it there

the rocks at low tide...we think they are lovely

Alan walking in the water along our lovely beach

this is the rain coming down when we came back up the cottage for a while

the rain in the water at the beach

storm clouds coming in this was at lunch time

the rock with the green hair in the water in the morning

the rock with the green hair out of the water at low tide at 4pm

here we are stand in the water under the storm clouds in the morning

the beginning of our walk with storm clouds looming that was at lunch time and its now 7:30 and still not much has happened. I think Irene is either not coming or is delayed.

We'll see tomorrow morning, perhaps she will arrive during the night and keep us awake.

All in all this was a lovely day with two great walks on the beach.

bye for now all

1 comment:

  1. I miss you guys and your beautiful beach. I love it when you post pics of all kinds of weather. I feel like I'm kind of still there. Miss you bunches!
